Memphis Blue/Air Blue - Special Edition


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There is out a new special edition from Memphis Blue / Air Blue. On the frontside are 8 different sentences with the word ME(mphis), on the backside there are 8 different sentences with the word (Memph)IS.


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thumb Manitounew

The brand Manitou is out now with a brandnew design.





The brand JPS Big Pack has now 26 cigarettes inside instead of 27 cigarettes before.

thumb Chesterohne

 Chesterfield Red and Chesterfield Blue are now available as "ohne Zusätze" (without addictives).




thumb CamelAnn

 Austrian special edition for Camel 100th Anniversary is out now - but - in a very disappointing ways. In other countries there are really special editions or something special written on the pack - on Austrian version there is only a small sentence about the Anniversary on the stripe.








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