Batton Wanted

thumb Batton1thumb Batton2thumb Batton4thumb Batton3thumb Batton5A lot of new packs are out in Austria now - the most beautiful one is a special edition of Batton White called "Batton Wanted".



thumb fly1thumb Fly2thumb Fky3thumb Fly4Another special edition is out again from Memphis. ItÄs called "Fly with me" and is availavle in Mamphis Blue and Memphis Air Blue.



thumb WinstWinston is the next brand with no-additives cigarettes - there is out Winston Red Authentic (bar-code 9036 8523) with 10 mg tar and 0,9 mg nicotine and Winston Blue Authentic (bar-code 9036 8530) with 6 mg tar and 0,6 mg nicotine.




thumb KarAnd finally - Karelis Slims Creme (bar-code 5201 4994) is out with 1 mg tar and 0,1 mg nicotine.




thumb RonRedthumb RonShelthumb RonStoneCompany Moosmayr imports Croatian brand Ronhill Mediterreanen Rich (bar-code 3850 4037) with 10 mg tar and 0,8 mg nicotine, Ronhill Stone White (bar-code 3850 3023) wth 4 mg tar and 0,4 mg nicotine and Ronhill Shell White (bar-code 3850 3016) with 7 mg tar and 0,6 mg nicotine.







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